I mean, not that it's weird or anything. I always have cool weeks with wonderfully interesting things happening in each one.
My Diwali Holidays have started, except they're THEE worst ones in my entire life because of Those Exams (I refuse to say It. Let me give you a hint: It sounds exactly like 'bored exams.) But it's not as bad as I thought. Yeah, I have to study. And for the first time ever, I'm actually doing it kindasorta sincerely. (I can't say totally sincerely, coz that would mean I'm becoming a nerd, which we know is not true.)
But.. it's the small things that happen throughOUT the week that make it cool. E.g: Random girlfraaaand drops in, grabs your arm, takes you to a superr awesome place (see picture below and feel jealous) for exactly two minutes and then leaves you to go home.
Or, a shopping trip with another girlfraaaaand who is a supreme shopper. Or a call from a friend, not talked to in a real long time. Or getting completely high and making phonecalls which you know aren't very necessary. Or smart.
Or reading a book which you dug out from a shelf and almost forgot about. Or listening to this really old song which you used to love when you were a kid. Or going through old pictures and drowning in nostalgia, Or maybe just sitting back one evening and blog about moments which you feel are intensely cool.
This has been my week, apart from vigorous studies.
Well, more later Online Diary.
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