Friday, August 21, 2009

Book Talk

The Story Girl
By Lucy Maud Montgomery

I'm not a big fan of classics. Actually, I have a love/hate relationship with them. But The Story Girl by LM Montgomery is my favourite book of all times. It's simple, sweet and leaves you very content with yourself after you're done reading it.

The story is simple: Eight kids, The Story Girl, Felicity, Cecily, Sara Ray, Felix, Dan, Peter and Beverly, and their summer. The Story Girl is the only book I've read which does not have a story line, no plot whatsoever and yet, it keeps you hooked. It's a charming kind of book which portrays the innocence of children exceedingly well.

The best part of the book is not the setting, the simplicity or the summer. The best part is The Story Girl. Sara Stanley, otherwise known as 'The Story Girl', tells magnificent tales with her enthralling voice. The way the book is written, Montgomery leaves The Story Girl's voice to the reader's imagination. Her voice can be whatever you like, whatever you want. Whatever captures you. And THAT is the beauty of the book.

Ratings: Nine Golden Nidhies out of ten.
Best time to read: A lazy afternoon.

As much as I hate E-books, Here is a link to The Story Girl for people who can't find it in a book shop. However, let me warn those people that reading it online will take away some of the charm and rob you of the glorious smell of the book. So read at your own risk.

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